Monday, June 3, 2013


Hello everyone!

I know it's been wayyyyy too long since I've last posted. I was finishing up my BFA degree in Textile Design! I graduated on May 11 and was frantically searching for a job/internship anywhere I could find one.

I'm the luckiest person ever. I got a dream internship, in a dream location, it's full time, AND IT'S PAID! I wouldn't be able to afford NY if it wasn't paid. I just feel totally blessed and also super accomplished that my degree is actually taking me places :)

Today was my first day and I am working as the Fabric Intern for Coldwater Creek's New York Design Corporate Office in SOHO! :) Everyone is super nice and the space the absolutely stunning.

I hope to start blogging more at night since I won't really have "homework" or "projects" to do outside of class anymore. Yay for officially being done with my BFA! I'm not done with school though... I plan on going back in a few years to get my Masters somewhere in probably Apparel Design.

I hope everyone's doing great!


ps: I'm on my Pinterest more than anything and have specific DIY boards for lots of categories! :)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! That's so exciting! Hope you love New York!

