Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I am one of those unfortunate people who had to evacuate her home because of the Missouri River Flooding that's happening here. My family and I had to move EVERYTHING out of our house in 3 days. It was horrible.
Thank god my step-dad knows people because otherwise we would be homeless right now. One of his friends GAVE US one of his homes in the city. It's small. Extremely smaller than our old house.
Old house = 3,600 sq/ft
New house = barely 900 sq/ft
Big change for a family of 4. But we can manage.

The only problem is that I have no internet at the moment!
I'm at caribou coffee right now just to get online and check all my stuff.
I haven't been online in over a week because of all this. I have so much mail and stuff. I feel so bad for not updating.

As soon as I get internet, I hope to start blogging again soon!

ps: since I also lost my job because of this flood (I worked at the country club I lived in), I hope to start up an online store selling upcycled and recycled clothes and things :)
Let me know what you think, please? :)

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