Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Costumes 2011

I didn't buy a costume this year :) I made them all myself! I have a whole slew of options but for sure I will be going as
"The Princess" - from the breakfast club && A Sexy High School Wrestling Official.

"The Princess" - The Breakfast Club
1. Brown Skirt
2. Brown Belt
3. Brown Riding Boots
4. Silk Blush Pink Blouse
5. Red Lipstick ;)
6. Princess Prep Attitude


Sexy High School Wrestling Official
I'm obsessed with HS Wrestling & Wrestlers [bodies hehe] jk no really. I cheered for 5 years and I miss it so much. It was seriously my favorite part of high school. So for people to specifically recognize me as a "wrestling" referee or official, I will be sporting a few key elements :) along with my knowledge of stating and I learned some new referee arm moves in case anyone decides to be a drunken idiot and quiz me that night haha.
BTW I sewed my own top. First patterned top of my life. I patterned it off a few shirts from express that I love. :)

1. Black booty shorts
2. DIY Referee top
3. Red & Green arm bands
4. Thigh High leather boots/heels. & because I know my feet will get sore, I'm borrowing my friends...
5. Wrestling shoes
6. Fishnet tights (again not regulation referee but who cares, it's sexy)
7. Whistle (boy this will be a dangerous thing for me to have all night)



1 comment:

  1. so cool!! i love the breakfast club.. when do whe see pics!!??
