Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DIY Multi Color Studded Leather Bag

Inspired by Fendi's Ready to Wear Spring 2012 Collection found on Style.com.

- studs
- a purse that needs an upgrade
- xacto knife
- jewelry pliers
- nail polish in whatever colors you want your studs to be
- nail polish sealant

1. lay out all your studs and figure out which ones you want to paint what colors.
2. paint your studs with a couple of coats and let dry.
3. paint those studs with a couple coats of sealant and let dry completely.
4. figure out where you want your studs placed on your purse or clutch. the studs above are in an offset grid and then rotated so they are not all at 90 degree angles. play around with it :)
5. cut into the fabric with the xacto knife where you want your studs to go
6. use your jewelry pliers to fix the studs in place.
7. boom you got a purse with an upgrade that will be trending this spring!


  1. Awesome! But, quick question, where would I get the studs?
