Sunday, January 29, 2012

DIY Round Studded Heels

Round "studs" are easy to fake because they available in most craft stores in the scrapbooking section!

- scrapbooking embellishments that look like the ones on the shoes above
- E6000 glue
- heels you are willing to permanently alter
- stick glue or double sided tape

1. figure out where you wish to put your embellishments on your shoes. do you want just the heel or just the main part of the shoe and not the heel. you decide! :)
2. if you are like me and like everything to be perfect until you glue, I would suggest making an arrangement on your shoe using the stick glue or double sided tape before you use the E6000.
3. once you have figured out your layout, start gluing your embellishments on!
4. let dry completely for 24 hours or so to make sure the hold has had time to set.
5. Wah-bam! New, one of a kind shoes for your weekend adventures!

Courtesy of JakandJil

1 comment:

  1. These are so cute! I'm loving the whole stud trend at the minute. Must give this a go :) xx
