Wednesday, October 27, 2010

DIY Back Studded Design Denim Jacket

Super awesome and totally customizable to you. Just need a little creativity, patience, and some time! :) okay, a lot of time. but it's worth it!

1) Find a flat shape/design that you like.
2) Draw it out or print it out then cut it out with an exacto knife or scissors.
3) Trace or draw it out on the back of a denim jacket with something that is easily visible, yet can either wash out easy or that you'll cover up. Fabric chalk works best.
4) Use different studs, or the same ones (it depends on your design and personal preference) to fill in (our even outlining this would be cute) your design :D.

Optional: It might be easier for some of you who have sensitive hands to cut slits in the jacket where the prongs of the studs will be going instead of trying to just push them through. I usually just push them through but my hands do get tired and hurt. They're artist hands, not woodworking hands haha so I have like no calases whatsoever to protect my little fingers (and yes I mean little. My ring size is a size 4.25).
BE WARNED! Don't cut the slits too big or too far apart. Be careful with this technique. It's more time consuming but saves ur fingers/hands :)

Courtesy of: knighttcat

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