Friday, October 29, 2010

Ke$ha Night 1

So last night was pretty fun!

I ended up dying this shirt:

I cut a random black shrit's neckline super low and with jaggy edges. Then I did a safety pin trim like that, but with all different sizes of safety pins. I liked that look more

But then I ended up not even wearing that shirt cuz I found something better to wear :) haha

This is the makeup I did:

(obvi the one of actual kesha, not bratz)

It looked freaking amazing. Like perfect :) None of the pictures did it justice though because the flash either took away from the glitter so it didn't show up, or it was too dark and it looked awkward. I'll post pictures when I get a hold of my usb cable. :)

The only bad news is that it was so cold it made my eyes water so the lower outside of my eye's makeup kept washing away :(

It's okay though! Because I'm going as her again for Sunday night aka actual Halloween! haha

The next two nights I'm wearing this costume without the hat (it's too hot, it'll ruin my hair, just, no haha i mean it's cute but i really don't feel like wearing it:

With these thigh high black pleather boots from F21:

And I'm wearing fishnets :)

I also have dog tags!

It's going to be pretty awesome!

Oh, and when people ask me what I am my new answer, instead of Sexy Gi Joe, will be Sexy Gi Hoe :) hahaha clever?! I'd say so :)

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