Thursday, October 21, 2010

DIY Chain Crossbody

I really think I might add this to my list of things that I personally need to DIY. Crossbody purses are becoming a huge thing. I just lack the funds to buy a pre-chained one like this! But I love the idea of adding hardware to a simple leather (or faux leather/cheaper) cross body.

Find a cheap cross body that you'd be willing to add chain to yourself!
You could add it to both sides, or just one side.
Just grab some chain, some little jump rings, a pair of jewelry pliers and an x-acto knife. Poke little holes for the jump rings where you want the chain to stop and start in the leather/fabric. Add the chain and close the jump ring!
Chunky gold chain seems to be really in lately so if you're not afraid of gold, go for it!

Courtesy of: chicintuition

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